i missed spectacular moment before dawn today. yeah, it was leonid meteor shower on the east sky...i set my alarm...i woke up but i couldn't see from my window...it was actually the other side of the sky...i was mistaken when i thought my room was facing east...it faces the west.
i woke up twice, at 4am which i mingled around to witness the rare moment in life...and another was at 5am...and this time i didn't actually move from my bed...just knowing that the sky was bright...how stupid i was for thinking that might be the bright from a full moon...
till i had a dream about snapping photos of the meteor shower myself...and for that...i was really sorry for myself...
and woke up this morning, for knowing i've missed all the great moment in life...i was doomed...and so down...and my colleague said, i look like corpse...or was it the make up...sheibe! and i was so tired too...
and him...who else...firdaus...i couriered down his birthday present...or rather a token of friendship...a small one...and i knew he was out of office the whole day as i called the courier service and confirm delivery...yet he was yet to receive it...so, in the evening when i was on my way to the curve to buy my mom's pots...he texted me...so, we start exchanging text...
which it seems forever to know if he has already received the package which also...i must know he didn't...so, i spoilt the surprise...and spilled the beans...i asked whether he had received my package...he was so surprised and he called me...to ask what was it...i said, i've spoilt the thrill...i won't going to spoil further...he really has to wait...
and last night...he went out with somebody...somebody...mind you...it couldn't just be anyone...it was somebody...no one will be mistaken to use word somebody for no reason eh...so, yes...i felt down...yet another down for me...oh, he asked me when would my birthday be...i didn't tell...
today, i consider a really doom day...till my boss told me a story of hers...that she was mistakenly sent text to she thought would have be her staff...but hell no...so, this guy now...stalking her...and he, didn't mind when my boss confessed that she was actually a matured woman and as old as his mother!!!!
this alone had made me smiled...and laughed first in the day...how i should have done that...to tell firsdaus that i was also a matured woman...now, too late to tell...
oh yeah, before that i've had conflict with imran just because, just because...of firdaus. that he thought i would played this guy out...i would have but no, not when he is really young, a 10 years my junior!!!!
let us see what happen...
4 weeks ago
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