i've reports to submit and very much still under constructions! i'm literally panicking and stressful and wish all the luck in the world is for me. but it doesnt seems so. it seems more like obstacles along the way.
ok, it was my fault to have ym but it was invi for goodness sake. and my biggest problem, i can do much of work at home no matter how badly i wanted to. i just can't figure out why...i guess i've to try hard and force myself to basically do my work at home...occasionally.
for holiday packing was done, almost at least. only a few small things like sandals that i've decided not to buy. and telekung which i'm still not decided which one to bring. and my jawpaws that i just clean this morning =D
ok, that it...oh another one, still thinking which book to bring to KK. i dont know whether i'll have time for book or notebook that i'll bring together but...i will bring nonetheless...well, considering what ifs...yeah right!
i haven't really remind my boss that i'll be away for long. i'll have to produce these reports which still under construction to make my way to holiday and having good time without work at the back of my mind.
i don't train...for so long. i don't know if i could survive my half marathon. my best run. i don't even know if i'll ever run it! duh! it was scary thought that i'm not having enough training and wah...what an effort to fly all the way across the sea to run just not to run, wasn't it? so, i think i'll run. inshaAllah.
and typhoon...oh i'm so edgy bout the news. what's the weather like? would i be able to do what i've planned? would it be safe? oh...so many question in my mind. i really, really, really hope that thing will go fine as planned. amen.
i've alerted friends in KK that i'll be around for holiday. and looking forward for exciting holiday and expecting to have many beautiful photos!
4 weeks ago
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