who annoyed me the most and who delighted me the less...hahaha...what's the different anyway? ok, let go through it...this girl, or rather lady or may be just simply a woman, really start to annoy me at best! her name is sarina :) she start to dig really deep grave for herself...ok, i am mad.
last 2 days, i had meeting with my friends and colleagues hadi and husin discussing bout this woman whom we see can't do even simplest work she was assigned. yes, i'm not biased ok. she really can't....what she can do best was deligating the task to someone else...say her trainee...yes, i'm not exagerating.
i asked her to do the recon and produce me recon statement...she ask shafiq, the trainee whom i'm glad he able to learn fast or else. ok, i help him do the recon of course but again...he's willing to learn. that is the essence of working. commitment to learn...not just know how to deligate eh.
so, ok...i assigned her to do recon she obviously can't. i'm half through the story now...yeah...half of it. lets continue. then after our discussion we decided to talk to boss, that i will talk to boss. not that we wanted to screw her nor to stab her but for her own good. so she would learn.
last night, after i send my report that shows remarkably unsatisfactory result, i talked to boss. and subsequently stray to this woman's work...and ah, we have far bigger problem than just this woman...it's her boss! duh! double duh! boss think she's not capable of handling her tasks, duties and responsibilities . boss said, she's slow sometimes ignorance...that's why we had so many problems in her team. be it AP or AR and well she excel in treasury nonetheless.
i can revamp as i wanted it to be...my way or highway! hhahhaha...sound powerful eh...ah, i don't know...boss trusted me to do that? or was she trying to fish me into doing it? i love my job, my task...extensive...i simply love it.
and for sarina, boss admits she doesn't know a thing only talking, loudly.
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