and the last final hour in 2009! and i only had small accomplishments or rather unsatisfied ones...but alhamdulillah nothing bad happened.
so, surfing through to 2010...with all promises and hopes and dreams still very much intact and so much of anticipatitions...inshAllah will come true.
despite all happiness and excitement to welcome 2010 in just a few more hour...there is something no-so-good to hear melody...not a good song to sing. well, it's about mom. yeah, i took a heavy breath just is one test Allah...has tested us all, my sibling. we are so depressed...well given that we do not know how depressed our mom is.
if it is about mom and i must guarantee myself that nothing...would be good to hear if depressed has made it appearances.
the more i think bout mom...the more i appreciate dad. the more i look high to him...seriously. i would never ever be able to do as good as dad, given what he had done and still doing for us. i am sorry dad for what had happened and what i had done and broke your heart. i'm sorry. seriously. deadly sorry...
for all your sacrifice and attention and care and love and everything...i really appreciate it. not that i don't appreciate mom...i do of course. this time, i want to express my gratitute of having dad as my hero, hero of my life. i couldn't be thankful more for what i had...have...or even will be having.
thanks dad, Allah, please bless us all...
4 weeks ago